Healing Paws Animal Therapy

Super Dog Max - Professional Therapy Dog & Actor – Non Profit

Living My Life

Life for me is not bad at all. The majority of the time I am indoors and have access to...

Meet Our Trainer

Our Dad/Trainer/Best Friend is a down to Earth human with a sense of humor that is contagious. He has been...

Booking Max & Ruby

Max is available to do any type of therapy work at hospitals, schools, nursing homes and anywhere else he may...

If You Want Something Done Right… (Click here)

I have always believed that if you are going to do something, you should do it right.  Whether it be…

Max and Ruby Love To Swing (Click Here)

I am a REAL dog. There were NO wires, harnesses, equipment involved to hold me in place. To my fans,…

Max on News Channel WFLA 8


Site and content owned by Carl Gordon